My 2nd Baby, Princess Janelle
Never cross my mind that I will deliver 2 weeks earlier than my EDD.
Sunday August 13, 2006
At about 3.30am, i feel the urge to go washroom. After that have a drink then went back to sleep. But i sense something is not right as my backache is getting weird. These same routines happen every hour. 4.30am, 5.30am and then 7.30am. And my backache is getting WORST.
At about 8.00am in the morning i just could not get myself lie down on bed. So i go for a walk around the living hall and sit down. It was ok for awhile. Then mum wake up and ask me why wake up so early since it is Sunday. So i tell her my condition. She says it might be contraction. But then it is still early. I am still 2 weeks ahead my due date. My due date is on the end of August. My condition is getting bad, and the pain continues every 15 minutes and last for about 9 seconds.
Inform hubby about my condition. He assures me that this is a false alarm. I just could not stand the pain anymore. I called hubby again and tell him to come over and fetch me to hospital. I think is contraction. So hubby quickly get prepare and come over. Supposing today we all will go for our "family portraits" photo taking session. But then i think Princess Janelle want to join as well. When Evon go out to attend her friend’s convo, I tell her that we have to postpone the appointment coz her "niece" wants to join along. My contraction is getting from bad to worst. I can’t stand up or sit or even lie down. I have a quick shower and change. Jasmine is still soundly asleep.
Hubby arrives at about 10.30am and sends me to Pantai Medical Centre. My Mum and Phoebe come along with me. My Dad helps to look after Jasmine. We reach at about 11.20am. I was send to delivery room, and the nurse asks me to change. Hubby assists me in changing my clothes as i can’t even stand on my own. Hubby goes down to register and drive back to office to take the camera charger. I am now being monitor by the nurse.
They check on my condition and say now is already 4cm dilated. It is now 11.55am and yet hubby is still not back yet. I am getting worried, and the contraction is getting worst. Mum ask if i want the Epidural injection or not, as she saw i was crying and of coz i say YES. So mum asks the nurse to come. The nurse come in n check on me and now is already 6cm dilated. Since this is the 2nd child, very fast will deliver within 2 hours time. So in the meantime the nurse asks me to take the gas. The gas that make me drowsy. After taking the gas, i feel much better for awhile.
I cried out loud when the gas just could not help. Hubby is back now, i know i can always trust him. Even the nurse also said that outside also can hear i cry.
The pain continue and I can feel that my baby want to come out. But then the nurse asks me to sleep sideway and the backache is WORST. Even hubby also lost in mind as he saw me in such a great pain. My mum was with me all along and she is so worried. I push away the gas and I could not hold any longer as I can feel my baby is coming out. The nurse kept asking my hubby to give me the gas.
Finally the doctor is in. And with 1 push my baby is out. At 1.19pm August 13, 2006 i have give birth to a healthy Princess Janelle. Janelle looks exactly like Jasmine.
I am exhausted. Too tired to even open up my eye to look at my Janelle. Bad news is i break my blood nerve. I lost a lot of blood but luckily it stop after a while. Another bad news is my blood pressure is at 170, very high indeed. I could not be send off to the ward as i have to be monitor. So i stay in the delivery room. And about 6.30pm my pressure reading is at 132, and the nurse says I will be send to ward. Before I was send up to ward, I have my dinner. I could not eat much as I am very tired.
The nurse allows Jasmine to come in to see me. She is so excited and i am so happy to see her. I miss her so much. My parents and sister have gone home. My daddy has been looking after Jasmine the whole day. I think after my mum dramatic story telling, i bet all will be very shock. And they are so worried about me as my blood pressure is still very high. Once settle down, we ask for Janelle from the nurse. Janelle really looks like her sister. I would give 100% rating hahaha. At about 9.00 hubby, Jasmine and my MIL go home.