We had a wonderful dinner at the The Ship in Damansara Jaya to celebrate Bob's birthday. Thank you Meiyen for such a yummylicious dinner and we really have a great time .. and i bought a box of little Cup Cakes from Wondermilk.

The birthday girl .. opps sorry should be the birthday boy :P haha

wah...i like those cupcakes...good idea...blow candles and eat...no need to cut cake!
Wow,the cupcakes look so great and yummy..
Wah... you bought from Cuppacakes ah, how's the verdict? I bought before and seriously it wasn't nice... the cupcakes were squashed and they were extremely thick in icing.
birthdaygal?? ekekkekee long way to go....... you are most welcome and thanks for da cupcakes! nice but not so tasty right? tyng, you can bake a much better ones....:p
i like the cupcakes, so nice and creativity.
Wah, so creative and nice, the cupcakes! Shd do the same thing for my mil bday this Thurs, but not sure she likes it or not? hehee!
Mommyof2angels: Yeah at least something diff .. and can finish 1 whole cup cakes by just 1 bite hahaha
MyRays: If dun eat will get rotten wan wo :S
Huisia: The cupcakes looks great but then taste is just so-so only :s
Sue: U have order b4 O.o .. well i find it normal so-so only and is quite expensive also for the tiny little cupcakes :s
Meiyen: U sure i can bake even better meh :P then ok la set we both bake and then exchange and see :P
Lovely Mummy: Yes the outlook is nice but then taste ...
CutiePrincessMummy: Oh thrusday wo .. u have to make order in advance !!! and pay b4 collect it !!! but then seriously .. is just the outlook nice but then the taste is just normal lor ..
wow..nice cupcakes..is it expensive? usually this type of cupcake is nice to see and yet taste no so nice..because is full of sugar icing?
AnnieQ: Is RM 60 for 49 cupcakes (min order) and additional RM 10 if u wanna special design. Like wat i order the little bear. The icing is ok not thick but is very tiny lor :s
im drooling at the cupcakes now...
wah this cup cake idea is like quite heng now ah..
Wahhhh...cup cake is sooo cute! too bad they don't taste great.
Btw, you've been tagged :-)
the cup cakes are indeed lovely looking.
looks like you guys had a great time out too!
Fannie: alamak sorry for making u "wetting" the kepboard tim :P
LaundryAmah: do something different once a while ma :P .. but other than that i would still prefer the normal "cake"
Shooi: Not to say bad la but then is just normal so-so lor [i finish the Tag adi :P]
Irene: The cupcakes is really pretty and cute .. and we do enjoy ourself very much .. life is not just family only friends also very important. I consider myself lucky to my bestie with me all this year :D
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