I think of how we used to talk
And secrets that we shared,
The laughter over little things
And ways you showed you cared.
We celebrated joyful times
And wiped away sad tears.
We talked of seasons far away,
Of hopes and dreams and fears.
I'm thankful you have found true love
And two hearts beat as one,
And you have one to hold your hand
Until life's setting sun.
I'll not forget our yesterdays
And things we used to do.
And most of all I'm proud to say
My Best Friend is getting marry ..
And so my wish for you
I wish you simple joys that last,
Love that wont end,
Blessings to share,
Courage to achieve your dreams,
And beautiful moments to remember
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness,
Bad days gives you experience,
Both are essential to life as they are
And I found this very meaningful quotes which I always keep in my mind and wanna share it with you :D
What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility. ~George Levinger
Oh yeah welcome to the marriage world :D

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