I was having the "monday blues" the WHOLE DAY .. feeling grumpy, dont ask me why maybe is Monday or it that time of the month -.-" i just hate that feeling .. the whole i was busy pack pack pack .. clean & clear all my stuff .. as Tuesday is my Last Day with the company (@.@)
Ok done with the ranting .. n the exciting part is that we are going for a MOVIE yipppeeee it was like erm .. i cant even remember the last time i got for a movie .. gosh !! N i totally love this movie .. i bet everyone is the same is the TRANSFORMERS .. my favorite childhood cartoon !!! okok is about 5.30 my colleague ask us wanna go for a movie?? Transformers?? dear hubby and myself was like O.o movie ?? then we think think (of coz must think think la .. coz must ask MIL to help out to look after the 2 girls) so done that part already .. quickly rang up Yuki .. and Charlence ask if they are interested or not .. ding dong here and there finally Yuki is on but Charlence is not available tonight ..
So my colleague Dino go to Cineleisure to get the ticket and the show is 7.15 .. so got to finish up my things FAST and get there .. and by the time we arrive is already 6.45 .. phew .. luckily still early .. so waited for Yuki as she come from Shah Alam Hotel and she arrive about 7.00 so we hurried to get ourselves some snack, trip to the loo, and off we go in .. and our seat is fantastic .. just the right time .. by the time we settle in .. the movie just started :D good timing hor ..
And from the start of the movie i already squeezing dear hubby hand .. because i was too excited and too "in to" the movie .. gosh i dunno what talking believe me just grab the ticket and go for it .. its worth it with the sound effect and the action packed scene .. and of coz humour here and there .. is worth it .. "Transforms & Rollout"
Okay my hubby also wanna go and see this movie.
heard this movie is good, i oso wanna see... :-)
me and john is going for this movie too... we wanna watch at sg n jb too... :p hope this will come true...
long time didnt tag u....now it is the time lu...
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