..~* Love Cures People, Both The Ones Who Give It & The Ones Who Receive It *~..
I am thankful for having my MIL to cook for me during this month and look after Princess Janelle. Despite feeling thankful I also pity my MIL as she has to look after my FIL and Princess Janelle and in the mean time to cook for me.
Since this is my 2nd princess, so this will be my 2nd confinement. I can’t really remember much during my last time confinement month. So now I want to keep a note on this time. Both princesses are on breast feed exclusively during my confinement month.
Benefits of Breastfeeding To The Baby
1. Provide perfect nutrition, which constantly changes according to the babies need.
2. Contains protein, fat and Omega 3 fatty acids in the most digestible form, to ensure optimal physical and mental growth.
3. Develops the brain and nervous system and enhances IQ levels.
4. Protects baby against infection and illness like gastrointestinal (relating to the stomach and intestines) disturbances, respiratory problems and ear infection as it contains live cells and antibodies.
5. Lower the risk of juvenile diabetes and cancer.
6. Provides protection from allergic diseases.
7. Reduces the risk of Necrotising Enterocolitis (inflammation of the small intestine and the colon) in premature babies.
8. Reduce Dental cries, mal-occlusion (Faulty contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed), speech defects and enhances jaw development.
9. Reduce the risk of heart disease in later life.
10. Reduces the risk of SID (Sudden Infant Death) syndrome.
11. Promotes mother and child bonding.
(I don’t know got so much benefit, I only know that is perfect nutrition and antibodies for baby and there is a special bond between baby and mummy. Hahaha)
Benefits of Breastfeeding To The Mummy
1. Protection against breast and ovarian cancer.
2. Help lose those extra pounds and makes abdomen flatter because the hormone oxytocin (A short polypeptide hormone that is released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle of the uterus during labor and facilitates release of milk from the breast during nursing) helps involution of the uterus.
3. Physical recuperation from child birth is faster.
4. Saves times and money. There is no need to prepare feeds or sterilize bottles.
5. Likelihood or osteoporosis and heart disease is reduced.
6. Breastfeeding fully on demand gives a sense of achievement to the mother as it is fulfilling and enjoyable.
(Well I also only know bout Physical recuperation from child birth is faster and saves times and money. hehehe)
My daily routine & menu;
9.00am - Milo and 2 half boiled eggs
Back to sleep after Breakfast (too sleepy)
12.00pm - Lunch (Sweat like nobody business)
a) Fried ginger rice with chicken/pork cook in wine
b) “Min Sin” cook in wine with chicken/pork
Sit awhile then back to sleep (drowsy maybe of the wine :p)
4.00pm - Milo and biscuit
Bath with ginger water or “dai fong ngai” but cannot wash hair until 30days (but I already wash on the 12th days surprisingly I can “tahan” not to wash hair for 30days during my 1st confinement) Yup Salute Me !!
6.00pm - Dinner (Sweat like nobody business)
a) Rice with chicken/pork cook in wine and vegetable
b) Rice with steam ginger fish and vegetable (can only eat fish after 12days)
c) Rice with steam “kei chi tong kwai” chicken
d) Rice with “char siu” and vegetable
e) Rice with steam ginger chicken (lotsa of GINGER)
Watch TV for awhile then back to sleep
9.00pm - Chicken Soup “den tong”
Watch movie then sleep
I find myself adjusting from daily life style to confinement pretty good. Maybe this is my 2nd confinement. I never like ginger but then now have take lots of ginger and is on DAILY basis gosh *faint*
Frankly speaking my mind is like reformat, cause I cant recall anything on how to look after a baby :s as Princess Jasmine is already 4 years old. I am so clumsy with Janelle. Luckily mummy and my MIL are around to help me. During my stay in hospital, I rest while I can and only up when Janelle’s feeding time. Other than that I will be sleeping all the time. While I am in hospital, I was treated with Ray Lamps. This is to dry up the wound and heal faster. It is kind of warm and quite comfortable also.
I have nearly forgotten about the pantang-larang during confinement month until I come across ShoppingMum - Tell Me Why
1. Uterus “drop”. My mummy and MIL say I must not walk around and have to lie down most of da time. Sit up only for feeding baby and taking meals. Say the uterus will “drop” wo. But then lie down too much my backache wan le :s
2. Bathing. Bout bathing, I can only bath ONCE a day (I usually bath twice daily, morning and night) and bath will the ginger water or “dai fong ngai” Anyway I did bath with clear water after bathing the ginger water or “dai fong ngai” Cause I am solely on breastfeeding ma then must be clean clean wan ..
3. Washing hair. I am not allowed to wash hair for 30 days. But I have washed my hair on the 2nd weeks already kekeke ….(shshsh ….)
4. No fan. I am not allowed to turn on then fan. Afraid that I might “zhui dou fung”. But mummy say can on air-cond hahahaha. Never listen also coz I have been sweating like NO BODY BUSINESS …
5. Red dates water. I drink red dates water and also plain water. Too thirsty leh … how to “tahan”
I was allowed to end my confinement earlier because hubby is going to have Full Moon Party for Janelle. So I am FREE kekeke … finally … I am “fong kam” jor kakaka …