Friday, March 30, 2007
So here it goes ..
[A is for age]:
wait let me count count wuah I am goin to be 26 this year .. anyway age is just a number. I won’t mind telling ppl my age as long as young at heart mai tak lor :P
[B is for booze of choice]:
Red Wine
[C is for career]:
Erm .. does motherhood consider a career r ??
[D is for your most dreaded]:
When the kids fall sick, wished it was me falling sick rather than them.
[E is for essential item you use everyday]:
Mobile Phone ?!?!
[F is for favorite song at the moment]:
I’ll Be There – Escape Club
[G is for favorite games]:
The Mystery Case Files
[H is for Hometown]:
Kuala Lumpur
[I is for indulgence:]
[J is for favorite flavor of juice:]
Apple Juice with sour plum
[K is for kids]:
Princess Jasmine & Princess Janelle
[L is for last hug from husband]
This morning
[M is for years of marriage]:
We ROM end of 2001……
[N is for name of your crush]:
My hubby lor :P
[O is for overnight hospital stays]:
2 nights while deliver Jasmine & 2 nights while deliver Janelle
2 nights when Jasmine is admitted due to diarrhea
[P is for phobias]:
Creepy crawlies
[Q is for quote]:
Live life to the fullest and enjoy every single moment of it
[R is for biggest regret]:
Hhmm ...
[S is for status, married or single]:
Happily married
[T is for time you wake up]:
7.30 hubby wakes me up :P
[U is for underwear]:
[V is for vegetable you love]:
Kangkong !!
[W is for worst habit]:
Watch TV till wee hours
[ X is for x-rays you’ve had]:
Never had one
[Y is for yummy food you make]:
Erm I cant cook actually but then when I cook .. I tell u .. u sure say GOOD *thumbs up* hahahaha
[Z is for zodiac sign]:
Now Tag who leh .. let me see who still not yet done this ..
SQ & Kiki’s Playground Hi my 1st Tag to u :P
I’ll Be Away ..
And I will be on leave on Monday as dear hubby promise Jasmine to bring her for holiday in Genting. Yeahyah a much needed VACATION need to get away sometimes .. to relax and re~charge :p
This vacation will be just dear hubby, myself and 2 lil’ princesses. So is our 1st holiday trip with only 4 of us .. I m really looking forward to this holiday.
*jumping up n down*
-.-” wat a silly mummy
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Reason ??!!??!!
Why Why Why .. I also dunno why :P
1. My love at 1st sight !! He “chase” me right away .. hahaha see I “mei lik mut fat tong” kekeke
3. Funny & loving
4. Always there whenever I needed him
5. Trusted me and let me do whatever I wan [of coz all legal and safe things la :p]
6. Good in planning, whether is financial or traveling
7. A family man. Family always comes first!
8. Feel secure whenever he is around [not that he learn any martial arts or can fight well, is just that he will “kao tim” (settle) everything for me]
9. He love me more than I love him :P [this is true !!]
10. He is the my 1st “ahem” u know la not bf la but “ahem” and he say I am also his 1st wan wo :P
*Drums roll* My Tag goes to ... i really wanna know why wo .. so so please do do la yeah .. me very "8" wan la "ke poh" abit ma keke
Tadaaaa ….
1. CutiePrincessMummy
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The 2 Sister
Done this post for some time ago and i totally forget about it :s i thought i have already click the "publish" button .. just too "forgetful" .. do u find the baloon hat familiar ?? yes is the same version of the hat for Bob but this is the smaller version :P .. they love it so much ..
Jasmine & JanelleThe 2 sister
Hey look at me, i have a new hat !!
Kiss Kiss from the naughty Jasmine Jie Jie
A wonderful Dinner with Meiyen & Bob

The birthday girl .. opps sorry should be the birthday boy :P haha

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Weird Me ??
1. I m just like LaundryAmah do not like "nga choi" BEAN SPROUTS in my noodle soup or fried kuey teow but i love to eat "nga choi kei" beans sprouts chicken [famous in Ipoh] i inherited this from my daddy coz he is just the SAME but then never curse them la if they forget about it :P
2. Public toilet .. I wont use it unless it is emergency and of coz until i find a much better condition 1 .. n i would choose the 1 that is "squat" rather than the usual "sit" else i will rather "bertahan". I m quite good in this "tahan" skill [is not advisable to follow]
3. I can EAT ALOT .. yes infact after giving birth i dunno the feeling of FULL .. sei lor .. i can really eat .. NON - STOP so i guess that's y i m still so big size !!
4. TV. I would put my girls to sleep and i will go watch TV (Astro) .. normally until around 5-6 in the morning .. [this only applies on Saturday nite, when i was in my mummy's house] coz i cant get to watch the Astro when i m in my in-law's house [i stay with my PIL, Hubby'sBro and the Family and sister] coz the children watch cartoons !! and when the Astro is finally free .. is my MIL time to watch the TVB Drama -.-" [i din even get the chance of taking the REMOTE] so i will watch KAO KAO during the weekends !! hahahahaha
Well i cant think of any liao .. still scratching head though .. so can i pass up like r Laundryamah ??
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
What is in my Bag !!

2nd Compartment
The Little Black Pouch
Come anyone need "minyak angin" :P i din i know have so much of treasure in it !!
The last Compartment !! phew .. nothing much
I think the above picture does all the talking already yeah .. keke see also wanna fainted liao ..
Ok la dun wan tag anyone la .. coz mostly all already done it ..
I'll Be Back !! though i was sick but this does not stop me from blog hopping though :P cant help it i am already ADDICTED to it :P
Monday, March 12, 2007
Pun Choy !!
Now this is the "Pun Choy"
Tadaaaa this inside .. Yum Yum
Chicken ... i find it ok ok only :P
Yummy Blueberry CheeseCake !!

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Labor Stories
[Aiyak i m still in the mist of writing tim :P hehehe have to forgive me ma .. as i m a "big head prawn" mummy :P]
Ok this is from ShoppingMum :D
Five wishes I have this year ..
I wish for my 2 girls to be as healthy & strong
I wish for my parents and in laws to be healthy and happy always
I wish for my dear hubby will achieve his goal
I wish for a new chapter in my career
I wish for PEACE to the world
Now this is from Cutie Princess Mummy
1. Who is the first blogger you’ve met?
Meiyen .. my best friend :P she is the 1 who encourage me to BLOG .. as I m still “new mummy on the block” so have not meet any mummy or bloggers yet :P but I m sure very soon I will be meeting them :D
2. Who is the ‘most wanted to meet blogger for you’?
Everyone in my LIST ..
3. Who is the ‘I can meet, want to meet but somehow never got to meet’ blogger?
Irene of Bits & Pieces as she is in Vancouver Canada
4. Who are the group of bloggers you most wanted to meet?
All the Magnificent Mummy & Super Cool Daddy Bloggers
5. Do you have any bloggers/blog readers that you wish to meet right now?
Not any infact ALL :P [the usual greedy me]
5 Reasons Why I Blog
I blog because this my cozy little nook
I blog because here is where I can “yi yi or or” & “ngam ngam cham cham”
I blog because my family & friends would know my latest update
I blog because I want to share & learn life experience with others
I blog because I JUST LOVE IT .. [Blog hopping]
And lastly is from ...HoneyPooh Babies...
5 Wishes for My Girls
Jasmine & Janelle, Daddy & Mummy wishes both of u ..
Healthy & Strong
Smart & Wise
Loving & Gentle
Obedient & Respect
Responsible & Grateful
Since i so lazy, one shot done 4 Tags ... hahaha so i let u all to choose which 1 to do yeah ..
Da Wheel of Life & Happiness
Crumbs In Life
My Lovely Rays
Etcetera~Mommy - u can do it when u r feeling much better yeah
ShoppingMum - Hey, u do the tag which u have yet to do yeah .. hehehe
Friday, March 02, 2007
My Sweetie Pie
Blogger Power Project to Safeguard the Web for our Children

“Please require a password-protected login before allowing even free access to explicit adult content. We understand that selling porn is your business and we respect your right to make a legal living. But understand our legitimate concerns and work with us. You already have the “warning adult content” on your websites. Yet kids, who are not legal customers of your product, ignore the warning. So to prevent them from having direct access to explicit images, texts and sounds, the simplest way is to have a password-protected login. No more “free tours” before a visitor supplies basic information.”
Bloggers help spread the word and make the web safer for our kids. I wont tag anyone .. i guess u all should know wat to do right .. do pass it around ..
Reunion Dinner with Meiyen & Bob
I had a good CNY Reunion Dinner with my best friend Meiyen & Bob in Jack’s Place last Wednesday. I must apologize to Meiyen as I was LATE yeah could not get a car park space >.< Sorry yeah .. we had a great time chatting and enjoying good food. We were phobia with Chinese food so we opt to go for Western food. And we definitely had made a good choice. As the food and the environment are good and we really enjoy ourselves very much.
After our yummy dinner, we went for movie. Dear hubby chooses to watch “The Protégé”, since the show is at 10.40pm, so we walk around the shopping complex. As usual the movie start late at around 11.00pm only started and finish quite late. Overall the story is good but then I dislike the horror part of the movie where the hand is CHOPPED off and the dead body with RATS yikes.. it freaks me until now. I cant sleep at night .. each time close my eyes the scene come very clearly .. *nearly fainted*
The Best of Friend :D
Meiyen & her other half, Mr Bear Bear :P
Myself and Dear Hubby
Overall i had a great night, had a wonderful dinner with Meiyen and enjoy the "paktor" time with dear hubby.